After a DWI stop, you may feel overwhelmed and worried about your future. If you fear that alcohol use disorder may contribute to your DWI, treatment may not only help you live a more healthy life, but it may help your case. According to the National Institute on...
DWI Defense
Can you refuse breath analysis tests?
Before you hit the roads, you should understand everything you sign up for by using a public road system. For example, have you heard the term "implied consent" before? Did you know that by using public roads, you actually enter an implied consent legal agreement with...
How does hypoglycemia mimic driving under the influence?
Being pulled over by the police is always a stressful experience, no matter the reason. However, if the officer suspects a DWI, it can become even more severe. Unfortunately, those who have diabetes or undiagnosed diabetes may experience symptoms that appear similar...
What is implied consent?
When an officer asks that you take a DUI test during a routine traffic stop, what do you think about it? Do you think that this is not mandatory? Do you think it is within your right to refuse? If you do, you are incorrect. Thanks to implied consent laws, any time you...
Penalties for driving under the influence
The penalties for driving over the legal limit are strict. Along with fines, license suspensions and possible jail time, the life consequences can last a long time. Although most people know it is illegal to drive drunk, many are unaware of how much alcohol it takes...
What should you know about interlock restricted licenses?
Following an arrest for suspected driving under the influence or while intoxicated, you may have concerns about the potential consequences you face. You may face fines, jail time and a suspension of your driver’s license, which may affect your ability to get to and...
Why do police officers make DWI stops?
You may have wondered how the police decide to pull over a driver on suspicion of DWI. Why does a police officer believe that someone may be driving under the influence? Sometimes a drunk driver gives off signs that something is wrong. As FindLaw explains, there are...
What happens if you refuse a breath test?
Arkansas, like many other states, has an implied consent law. This law means that by driving a vehicle in the state, you automatically consent to take a blood alcohol test upon the request of any law enforcement officer. What this means to you when an officer pulls...
What is the difference between DWI and DUI in Arkansas?
Similar to several other states, Arkansas has two different classes of driving-under-the-influence crimes. You may know them by the familiar terms DWI and DUI. In common speech, the two are generally interchangeable — you could use one or the other to get your point...
Study: High Rate of Teen Drinking & Driving In Arkansas
Most of the news this year has been dominated by stories about Covid-19. Because of this, some other important news either doesn’t get reported or doesn’t get much notice. One such news item appeared in late March, and it is a report that Arkansas parents need to be...