DUI checkpoints, or sobriety stops, exist in areas with high rates of DUI driving. However, many people have perfectly valid reasons to want to avoid these checkpoints outside of DUI. Is it possible to avoid these checkpoints safely and legally? Take a safe detour...
DWI Defense
What are the far-reaching consequences of a DWI?
Getting a DWI charge can feel scary for numerous reasons. However, many people focus solely on the short-term consequences such as the possibility of going to jail. The far-reaching consequences of a DWI conviction have much wider and more long-lasting impacts,...
Should you suck on a penny during a DWI stop?
Few things can interrupt an otherwise fun night with friends faster than a roadside stop. This is especially true if you have consumed alcohol, as Arkansas has some serious penalties for those who drive while impaired. As you may know, officers cannot arrest you...
A DWI can occur without the ingestion of alcohol
You know that consuming alcohol before getting behind the wheel can lead to an arrest for driving while intoxicated. However, various drugs also affect your ability to safely operate a motor vehicle. Illegal substances are not the only ones that impair driving...
Drunk driving charges in Arkansas and license suspension
If you face charges as a result of allegedly driving while intoxicated, it is crucial to understand the penalties that could follow. Aside from sustaining serious damage to your reputation, facing financial penalties and time behind bars, you could lose your driving...
Tips for negotiating a sobriety checkpoint
As with many states, Arkansas allows sobriety checkpoints to combat the dangers of people operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The checkpoints must follow specific rules as set up by the courts. If you do encounter a checkpoint, you...
How cold medication can impact a DWI charge
When you think of a DWI charge, you think of someone who consumed alcohol or took illicit substances before driving. While these are examples of potential DWIs, you can also face charges because of the common cold. When you take over-the-counter cold medication, it...
Medicines and impaired driving
While penalties for impaired driving in Arkansas come with hefty fines and other serious consequences, you should know that not all offenses involve alcohol and illegal drugs. Several prescription and OTC medications can impact your ability to operate a motor vehicle...
What conditions interfere with your ability to speak?
Speaking with the police is an experience many drivers do not relish. However, it is possible an officer might pull you over and you will have to exchange a few words. In the event you have a medical problem that hampers your ability to talk, the officer might suspect...
How can alcohol counseling help if you struggle with alcohol?
After a DWI stop, you may feel overwhelmed and worried about your future. If you fear that alcohol use disorder may contribute to your DWI, treatment may not only help you live a more healthy life, but it may help your case. According to the National Institute on...