It is never easy to start over. If you face criminal charges or recently completed your sentence, you have to start life again with a criminal record. There is a stigma in society regarding any criminal charges. Many employers will not hire those with a record and often, the employer has no context to the charge. This can make it difficult to pick up the pieces afterward.
Not only do you have to worry about where you will find your next employment opportunities, but your record can even interfere with your social life. Family and friends may regard you differently. To help ease the transition, there are tips for those facing criminal charges on how to deal with life with a record.
Work for yourself
While you may need to find employment initially, you can also plan to work for yourself. If you are business-minded, you can plan new business ventures. Consider what your life may look like if you did not have to answer to an employer. You can regain your confidence and become a productive member of society.
Consider an appeal
A wrongful conviction deserves a challenge. Unlike a criminal case, the appeals process involves an argument that can reveal any mistakes or mishandling within the prior trial. If you feel as though your conviction was unfair, you can contest a charge.
Seek expungement
In Arkansas, you can file a petition for an Order to Seal. You can seal your criminal record if you meet the qualifications. In the eyes of the law, the crime did not happen. You do not have to state on job applications that you have a criminal record. If asked about your criminal background, you do not have to disclose the crimes. In the case of a misdemeanor, to have your record sealed, you must wait 60 days. Felonies, on the other hand, require you to wait five years.