Divorce can be a stressful process, affecting not just the parents but also the children. It brings about change, which can be either positive or negative. Studies show that the change is often harmful for children growing up in two households. To combat these adverse...
Family Law
Ways to handle dating during a divorce in Arkansas
Navigating the delicate waters of dating during a divorce in Arkansas demands careful consideration and tact. While it is often best to wait until the divorce is final, this is not always realistic. A few tips can help you handle dating during a divorce as smoothly as...
How to protect your mental health during a divorce
If you are going through a divorce in Little Rock, you are not alone. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Arkansas has one of the highest divorce rates in the nation, at 3.6 per 1,000 population. Divorce can be a challenging and emotionally...
Can a child choose which parent to live with in Arkansas?
Just as children often have a favorite toy, food or friend, they may also have a preference for one parent over the other. This preference can come up during custody proceedings. If the parents cannot agree on a suitable arrangement, a judge will decide for them. A...
When can a grandparent petition the court for child custody?
Families with grandparents acting more parent-like than the child’s biological parents are not uncommon. This scenario drives grandparents to persistently assert custody rights of their grandchild. But Arkansas courts do not automatically award custody simply because...
Coparenting strategies after a divorce
Divorce takes an emotional and financial toll on you and your former spouse, but your children tend to experience much greater emotional turmoil. They do not understand the process, what is happening or why they have to live without one of their parents. Often, your...
Child support and your passport application
If you have to leave the country because of a business trip or a family event, such as a wedding, it is important to understand how child support arrears could affect your ability to go overseas. If you have fallen behind on your child support obligations, the...
Statistics on child support in the U.S.
Whether you pay child support or receive payments as a custodial parent, it is helpful to go over data on this program. Reviewing statistics on child support in the U.S. serves as a reminder that you are not alone. Child support can become a serious concern for...
Understanding your divorce options in Arkansas
Deciding to end a marriage is a significant decision. When considering divorce in Arkansas, it is crucial to understand the available options. Arkansas offers both fault and no-fault divorce grounds, and the choice between them depends on the specific circumstances of...
Why are my retirement accounts getting split in my divorce?
Arkansas divorce laws require the equitable division of assets between spouses. Regardless of whose name is on the asset, any asset acquired during the marriage or otherwise co-mingled during the marriage is eligible for equitable distribution. Few people realize the...