Wyatt Hardy, PLC

Criminal, Family and Probate Law

Wyatt Hardy, PLC

Criminal, Family and Probate Law


Protecting Clients’ Rights. Working To Solve Problems.

Talking to a spouse after a hostile divorce

On Behalf of | Oct 7, 2020 | Family Law

If you recently finished your divorce or you are in the middle of ending your marriage, it is important to recognize some of the challenges that arise regarding communication. Sometimes, the divorce process is incredibly hard for couples, such as those who find themselves in the middle of hostile arguments inside and outside of the courtroom. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that over 782,000 couples filed for divorce during 2018.

Whether you want to talk to your ex about child custody matters, financial topics or any other issue, it is imperative to do what you can to ease tensions. Sometimes, it is smart to avoid contact altogether, while other people benefit from staying in touch with their ex.

The pros and cons of talking with your ex

For starters, it is crucial to understand the potential advantages and disadvantages of talking to your ex. For example, if you are in the middle of a custody battle, discussing certain issues with them is sometimes a terrible idea, especially if what you say (such as text messages or voice recordings) is used against you in court. On the other hand, some people are able to simplify their divorce by working with their ex to end the marriage, at least to some extent. Even when a collaborative divorce is impossible, working together to some degree can help save time and money.

The consequences of a tough divorce

If your divorce was very contentious, you likely have various concerns. Whether your spouse is spreading false information about you online or among friends and acquaintances or they are even trying to derail your life from a legal standpoint (such as falsely accusing you of domestic violence due to their pursuit of child custody), it is imperative to watch what you say and understand when avoiding contact is necessary.